A Guide to Nerd Guys Meeting and Dating Women: Making the call Part 3
Here’s where we get into the actual meat of the phone call. Here there is only one rule: the K.I.S.S rule. That is Keep It Simple, Stupid! Seriously, your message or conversation should be brief and to the point. We’ll take each type of communication in kind.
This post will be voice mail. Voice mail is great, as you can use it as a more true barometer of how much she actually likes you. In other words, if she is interested she will actually call you back. If she doesn’t, you get to leave one more VM (remember the Two Message rule) and are then free to work on the next girl. I love voice mail. The other great thing about voice mail is you don’t have to have anything specific in mind to do with her.
Do not ramble. Do not beg. Short and to the point. Remember, every word you say is another chance for her to decide you are lame, so keep them to a minimum. Here is what a typical first voice mail might sound like from me:
“Hi (girl’s name). This is (your name) from (whatever event you met her at) the other day. I had a good time talking to you and wanted to give you a quick call. We should hang out sometime soon. Call me at (your number here). Talk to you soon.”
That’s it. Don’t go into a long description of who you were (“the guy wearing the Darth Maul costume” etc) or the exact details of how you started talking to her (“I was the guy who hit his head walking into a phone pole while updating my Facebook on my iPhone”). Honestly, if she liked you she remember. If, by some weird set of circumstances (black out drunk) she doesn’t remember giving you her number that will only help, as she will have to assume there was something about you that intrigued her.
Trust me, she is not going to be wearing this shirt, so don’t do it (shirt image courtesy of the novelty t shirt category).
Next post, email or Facebook.
A Guide to Nerd Guys Meeting and Dating Women: Making the call Part 1
OK. You have successfully obtained the real phone number and/or email address of a human female and want to contact her. The first question you need to ask is when to actually do it.
Current dating wisdom states that you should not call the next day. Personally I feel this sort of thing really depends on the circumstances in which I met the girl and/or how the opening conversation went. If we met while doing something fun and semi organized (hiking, vampire LARP, charity rugby match, etc) or perhaps the conversation flowed particularly well you might consider calling the next day (late afternoon). However, odds are if you are in need of this blog you probably don’t have a great barometer for measuring this sort of thing, so perhaps you should stay away. It is easy to let your eagerness and/or insecurity let you fool yourself into thinking the conversation was better than you think it was and call too soon.
Never call the same day you got the number (or send a text. Image courtesy of the funny t shirt category). If you want an example of how badly that can go watch the call scene from Swinger. Painfully funny.
Anyway, I would recommend as a guideline to call or email within 2-3 days of getting the number. More than that and you seriously risk pissing her off or worse, being forgotten.