By / 5th March, 2012 / Funny t-shirts, T-Shirts / No Comments

Goodbye Davy Jones

Project X was sold out last night, but I am kind of glad as it gives me a chance to say goodbye to a piece of my childhood, Davy Jones of the Monkees.  I’ll probably get a lot of heat from my friends for this, but the Monkees appealed to me musically in a way that the Beatles never could.  I don’t dislike the Beatles, and I know the Monkees are pretty much a knock off, but it just never spoke to me.  Last Train to Clarksville is a song I could listen to any day or night.  Pretty much all their songs work for me.

However, it was the TV show that made it for me.  For some reason almost all of the late 60’s and 70’s hippy shows never really appealed.  HR Puff ‘n Stuff, Seseme Street, the Electric Company, and all those shows that were supposed to be cool for kids sucked, but every Saturday morning I could tune in to the Monkees and enjoy the hell out of it.  It was like an American Young Ones staring British guys as struggling musicians is a surrealistic world.  They lived in a weird world I could only dream of entering, as it looked so much cooler than my own life.

Davy was the leader of the band, and the coolest of the four.  When I heard of his death I was really saddened.  It has been a hard year for singers, but this is the one that sucks the most for me.  Davy, you were a piece of my culture growing up, and I will miss you.


P.S. I also have respect for any David willing to go by Davy.  That is the tougher road to follow in the name game.  Monkey headphones image courtesy of the funny t-shirt category.

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