By / 2nd July, 2010 / Comic book t shirts, T-Shirts / 2 Comments

A Guide to Nerd Guys Meeting and Dating Women: Making the call Part 5

I have purposely save the worst for last.  The worst is when she actually picks up the phone and you have to talk to her.  This sounds good, but really it is horrible.  First of all she has not yet given you any secondary sign that she likes you.  Also it puts her off her pace, and for most women the response to that is to turtle up and adopt a defensive position that usually results in getting rid of you as soon as possible.  Occasionally you might get a girl who can have a fun conversation with a relative stranger, but don’t count on it.

The other reason this sucks is it can really throw you off your game.  These days people are always expecting voice mail and are usually surprised when they get an actual human being.  Let me give you some basic guidelines for this unfortunate circumstance.

First of all, remain calm.  Don’t get over excited, and don’t run at the mouth.  Keep it simple like you would for voice mail, but be ready to chat a bit.  Definitely have something in mind to do on a date with her.  In fact, have a couple ideas, as I have yet to have a girl agree to do the first thing I suggest (I suspect there is some woman out there writing a guide for girls to date guys who tells them to always shoot down the first idea the guy comes up with as a test).  Make a couple jokes if possible, but some women respond well to a short and quick conversation.

However, there is one critical rule you have to remember when actually accidentally talking to the girl, and that is YOU must be the one to terminate the conversation.  In other words, do not let her tell you she has to go and end what is going on.  You want her to think you are busy and have a lot going on.  The best conversations with a girl will have her thinking you are doing her a favor dedicating five minutes of your busy day to here and leave her wishing for more.  If she ends the conversation than you just let her show you that her time is more valuable than yours, therefore reducing you value to her.  Don’t mess this one up.  It is easy to let your enjoyment of the conversation suck you in and letting her nuke it.

Keep your conversation like Catwoman’s outfit: long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep it interesting (image courtesy of the comic book t shirt category, and quote courtesy of my 12th grade English teacher).


  • Cousin Nora July 15, 2010 at 3:05 am

    you are truly on crack here. there’s nothing better than an great impromptu conversation with some random dude who’s funny and cool to talk to – and when my now-fiance called and showed he was making time for me and not full of games and pretend, that totally won my heart. but what do i know: i’m just a woman and you know better than i do. :p

  • Dave July 17, 2010 at 1:11 am

    I am the first to admit there are always exceptions to every rule, and a guy who is adept at conversation with women will most likely pull through this looking good. However, it is my opinion that for the majority of the guys who are benefiting from my advice this is the worst possible thing to happen and they will most likely stumble around or make any number of other horrible mistakes.

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