Dave and Dave: Buck Rogers, Farscape, Star Wars and Zombie Nation.
Dave I: Chewbacca or D’argo from Farscape?
Dave C: That guy was cool.
DI: I agree. C3PO or Tweeki?
DC: Tweeki just in case 80’s Linda Grey comes looking for him. The cat from Red Dwarf or Three-PO?
DI: I kind of hated them both equally.
DC: Not as much as Dr. Theopolis.
DI: True.
DC: I’d call him meat shield. 80’s Cylon Raider or X-Wing?
DI: X-Wing.
DC: Dang I loved the Cylon Raider. I used to draw them by the billions. You can have 2 Cylons riding bitch.
DI: LOL. Although Command TIE Fighter > all others.
DC: No where to hang your fuzzy dice in an X-Wing.
DI: You know they spent a lot of time looking over their shoulders. Why not have a rear view mirror?
DC: They put a guy in the back to get shot instead.
DI: Not in the X-Wing.
DC: Buck Rogers Thunderfighter or 80’s Colonial Viper?
DI: Viper.
DC: Thunderfighter flys like thunder.
DC: 8 armies in the Total War Warhammer game including Skaven and Chaos.
DI: You had me at Skaven.
DC: Check out the other Total War games. They are renowned for their accuracy. Zombie apocalypse weapon: bow or crossbow?
DI: Bow. Crossbows take to long to reload. (image from a great Walking Dead t shirt I found)
DC: Yes and hard to maintain.
DI: But all zombie weapons pale to insignificance when compared to the spiked aluminum baseball bat.
DC: Haw with a hot Russian redhead. (note-if you didn’t get this reference check out Zombie Nation on Netflix. It’s good/bad)
DC: Everyone should be nicer to Will Wheeton.
DI: He was great in the Guild.
DC: That’s a Family Guy reference to Stewies lisp whhhill whhhweeton.
the Infamous Dave Inman