Aquaman Movie Review Part 1 – Finally DC Has Something to put on T-Shirts to Compete with Marvel
When one is discussing most of the DC Extended Universe movies a number of phrases leap to mind. “Disappointing.” “Craptacular.” “So bad you would need a hazmat suit just to handle the film reels.” “For the love of God fire Zach Schneider!” “A one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.” These are a few of the most obvious ones (honestly I could go on for hours).
The phrase that does not leap to mind often is “Good” or even “Adequate” yet these are phrases you need to describe the new DCEU movie Aquaman (my apologies for fans of last years Wonder Woman movie. It was the other not crappy DCEU movie). Of course this is all taken in context. It scored a 64% on Rotten Tomatoes which I think is entirely fair and justified. It is maybe a B- when compared to most of the richness of the Marvel movies (the awesome group shot shirt to the right comes from the Marvel t-shirt category) and a straight C when compared to any good movie from the rest of Hollywood (Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs, the Shawshank Redemption, etc) but on the short bus that is the DCEU (or any film by Michael Bey) it is a resounding A+.
(Continued in part 2 below)
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