Help save NASA please!
So I read yesterday that Obama is gutting the space exploration in favor of all the other lame stuff our government does, and I am really freaked out. Space exploration is the only thing the US government does that I support wholeheartedly. We absolutely have to get off this rock and onto other planets. Even the moon would be great, just like in the last Trasnformers movie (Transfomers image courtesy of the Transformers t shirt category)
Honestly, there are very logical (haw) reasons to keep pushing the space program besides my personal desire to meet green women. First and foremost, control of the world will fall unto the country that controls the gravity well. The Chinese are actively working on it, and the Russians as well. If we give up the space race in pursuit of a health plan that is probably going to suck anyway it might look good for a few years, but 20 years from now when the Chinese are threatening to drop asteroids on our heads (for the record, an asteroid dropped from orbit can hit with pinpoint precision and can impact with the force of several thermonuclear bombs) we are really going to regret it.
Furthermore, at some point we are going to have to get some of our population off of this planet. Large orbital living stations and moon bases could easily be in our future and help us with excess population control.
I wrote a letter to the White House and got a kind of bland response about how hard Obama is working on health care and nothing on my concerns about NASA. Please help the human race by sending him an email here. If enough of us do it maybe we can swing him back to believing in our future.
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Devin-Weiss April 3, 2010 at 1:59 am
I read somewhere that NASA decided to do a manned mission to Mars by August, 1982, but the fact that Viet Nam war was far too expensive. This sort of mission could have been a drop in the fiscal bucket, compared to the military spending in those days. Comparing the value of a manned mission to Mars to that of slugging it out in Southeast Asia, I vote Mars, completely. We lost Viet Nam; what a waste. We lost our earlier journey to Mars; what a waste. Now, we’ve got financial woes and budget cuts. Just as before, Mars takes the back seat just to fall out of the vehicle. What can we do to stop strike three?
Dave April 5, 2010 at 9:10 am
Great point. We should be living on Mars by now.