Nerd Dating: Online Dating Part 2-More Pros and Cons

OK, I know I haven’t posted a lot recently, but the fact is I have spent the last five days fixing mistakes made by other people.  I don’t want to get into it except to say that it really sucked.  Anyway, let’s have more fun discussing the pros and cons of online dating.

Pro: given time to consider your words you can avoid blurting out something really stupid or inappropriate. Most of us have said dumb things without thinking in our lifetime.  I have found I tend to sound better and smarter if I have even a couple seconds to consider my words before pressing send.  Even IM seems smoother that way.

Con: if you are illiterate or like to wRiTE liKE ThiS you will look like a moron. Yes, spell check is great but if you lack basic spelling and grammar skills you can really look stupid.  Also, that wanna be gangster mixed upper/lower case writing is the online equivalent of tying to impress a girl by covering yourself with paste and rancid meat (and being a moron).  I don’t care if you have seen girls do it.  Trust me, you will never get anywhere with those girls, and you don’t have to be a guy to be brain-damagingly stupid.

Pro: you can meet people who share your interests. Yes, if there is a girl out there who shares your love of 14th century bardisches, Snorky from the Banana Splits, or debating the eternal Captain Kirk/Captain Pecard argument (Kirk, IMO) this is the place to find her. Unfortunately, any girl who lists anything remotely nerdish or cool will have her email box filled by other nerds so fast her laptop may melt down.

Con: your specific interests may well repulse the majority of women out there. I play Warhammer and love it.  However, as much as my dream would be to date a girl who plays it this is the last thing I would list on my profile as I know the vast majority of the girls out there would take one look at it and say “What is this guy into?  He must be some kind of dork, playing with toy soldiers.”  There is the cool, sexy nerd (you know, the hipster teck geek.  Die hipster scum) and then there is the just plain old nerd.  You need to seem to be in the first camp to intrigue a girl online.  Try to find a girl who is willing to to help you and tell her what you are considering listing as interests.  If she at any point wrinkles her nose and says “really?”  dump that item.

Pro: you can claim to be into things that you have done once or twice in your life. Ever been on a pony ride at a carnival?  Then you could claim to be into horseback riding.  Completed a paint-by-numbers painting of a kitten?  Then you are both artistic and into animals.  Again, I don’t recommend out-and-out lying, but as long as you are ready to reap the whirlwind when she finds out your passion for ballroom dancing is derived from dancing with your mom at your sisters wedding, then go nuts.

Con: she can (and probably will) do the same thing. Trust me, this plays both ways and if something seems to good to be true, it probably is.  If she claims to match your passion for Star Trek that most likely means she watched a couple episodes with her brother years ago.  Girl Trek fans exist, but unless she lists it on her profile unsolicited she is probably trying hard to match up to your level of geek.

Pro: you can do it from your home. If the burden of bathing, dressing, and grooming weighs very heavily on you, you could theoretically pull it off from the comfort of your desk chair and never have to put any effort into it at all.  This is a horrible idea and I highly UNRECOMMENDED this.  However, it remains a pro.

Con: if you are prone to being anti social, this will only make it worse. If you feel intimidated talking to women trying to meet them online will only aggravate your condition.  The only way to really get over being shy is to force yourself to get out of the house and talk to women.

I think that’s it.  Next dating post I will either get into understanding other posts or writing your own.  Not sure which is better.  I think understanding posts would be funnier, though, so I am inclined to head that way.

As for the whole Wolverine vrs Freddy Kruegar question, it is interesting and boils down to actual powers.  If  Freddy can attack adults and just chooses kids than he would be highly competitive with Logan.  On the other hand, if Wolverines healing powers can fix damage done in dreams than Freddy could never actually kill him.  I think I am going to call this one a draw (Blood and Steel image courtesy of the Wolverine t shirts).

I am kind of into horror movie, so for today I post the question of who would win, telekinetic introverted high school hero (in my opinion) Carrie versus champion of the popular good looking kids Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

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