Nerd Dating: Online Dating pt 11: understanding poster’s careers

This is the last I am doing on this sub-category.  I think I will try to get a movie review or something else tomorrow to break up the flow.

Guidance Councilor. Sorry, but if a chance to bag on these guys comes along, I can’t let it go by.  I remember fondly taking an aptitude test from provided by the school councilor and being told I was best suited to be a farmer.  Sorry, I don’t do dirt if I can avoid it.  Also I am to much into instant gratification to wait a whole season for payment.  Anyway, these people are like high school teachers in that they deal with smart assed teenagers on a daily basis.  The difference is they have a lot less power than teachers over the kids in that they can’t actually fail them in anything.  This tends to make them either total dicks or floor mats.  Also every time some kid asks “If you know so much about career choices why are you a guidance councilor?” they want to kill themselves.  I’d say spare yourself the pain.

Contractor. This is a job description guys who are construction workers use in order to convince you they are more than nail pushers.  It is usually followed up by “Well, I’m working for another contractor friend of mine, but I have my own contractors license.”  They always drive a freaking huge crew cab pickup truck (most often red).  If you are into beer drinking, football watching, wife abusing hijinx than by all means date him.  There are no straight female contractors.  Incidentally, if you should happen to date one and then find out he is a roofer, run away as fast as you can.  All roofers are insane.  It must be the tar fumes and hot sun all day.  Now that I have said that I had better hope I never have to rebuild something.  Good thing I rent.

Blue collar worker. This can be almost anything, be it sanitation engineer, factory worker, bus driver, etc.  For the most part good guys, in a boring salt of the earth sort of way.  Usually they are grateful to even have someone attractive into them.  Generally not the most stimulating intellectually, although occasionally you meet one who is a total conspiracy nut whacko, and they are endlessly entertaining.

Performer. This is kind of a broad descriptive for anyone who makes money (or claims to) by entertaining people.  It could be a comedian, a street guitar performer, a childrens birthday clown, a chainsaw juggler, smoke bubble blower, or a blog writer.  With a few exceptions the best way to describe these people is kind of pathetic.  They typically make just enough money to survive but not enough to get ahead.  They feel frustration at not be acknowledged as one of the worlds foremost one man band performers, and need a girl or boyfriend to come to all their lame shows in the 3rd Street Promenade or where ever and collect the spare change from the jug you just passed around.  The decent ones have a day job at Kinkos or something.  The bad ones live on their takings.  (By the way, if you should happen to find yourself dating a mime, do me and the whole world a favor by stapling a note that says “Learn the words you creepy bastard” to his or her forehead and pushing them off a cliff so they can work on their silent flying man act.  I sincerely doubt any sane jury would convict).

Band member. Ah, the Crown Jewel of Losers.  These guys (usually.  Some girls but I find them to be a little more real) dream of a rock-n-roll lifestyle while performing for the same 9 people as the 7:30pm opening act at the local scum pit.  If you want to spend every Friday and Saturday night listening to the same eight badly written, badly engineered, and badly performed “songs” in a bar that smells of stale beer and urine than by all means date him.  Just know that if he and his band catches even the slightest whiff of success he will drop you like a live grenade in order to sleep with as many groupies as humanly possible.  Even crappy garage bands somehow manage to attract any number of (really) dumb girls willing to jump in the sack with them, so you can expect to be cheated on pretty regularly.  As for female band member, I actually went out with one and found myself spending a lot of time assuaging her massive self esteem issues and scraping her off the barroom floor about once a week.  However, as far as I know she didn’t cheat on me.  These guys inevitably have “day jobs” that somehow turn into “day careers”.  Do the human race a favor and don’t give them the opportunity to procreate.

That’s it for today, and pretty much it for the job thing.  Tomorrow I will break away from dating for a post or two but when we come back to it I will get into understanding pictures people post, or the “You can judge a book by it’s cover” article.

Yesterday’s question, Lincoln versus Reagan, is quite the puzzler.  Lincoln was taller, and actually fought a major war.  Reagan was more athletic, and invaded Grenada.  Technically he did win the Cold War, but that says nothing about his martial prowess.  I think that I will have to bet on Lincoln, unless the rumors of Reagan being the anti-Christ (Ronald Wilson Reagan, 6-6-6) are true, in which case I think he would prevail.  (Lincoln image courtesy of the funny political t shirt category)

For today I propose a battle between a great (if stupid human) warrior versus an lame superhero:  who would win in a fight between Aquaman and Beef Supreme (from Idiocracy)


  • rachel February 9, 2011 at 7:42 am

    Now thats funny! and quite true. Its always tough to figure out what the guy is saying when he puts down his career type.

    Ive also read Freakonomics and the bits on salary are quite interesting too. 30% increase across the board! haha, if only your date was making that much money so you wouldnt have to go dutch on the date in the first place!

    Good write up! Keep up the good work

  • Dave February 9, 2011 at 4:39 pm

    Thanks Rachel. Stay tuned. In a couple days I’ll get into interpreting images on dating sights. Thanks for reading my blog.

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