By / 7th June, 2011 / T-Shirts, TV Show t shirts / No Comments

Nerd Dating: the greatest date ever-movie night in Part 4 what to watch

OK, you have cleaned out your apartment (bulldozers are not not an option, BTW) and have her coming over.  However, it now falls upon you to help figure out what the hell to watch.  DO NOT make the mistake of just letting her pick.  First of all, she will feel like you are  a total wimp for not even having an opinion.  Also, most women will feel a lot of pressure from unilaterally picking out a movie, for fear you will judge her negatively and/or be really bored with the movie.  The women who don’t feel pressure are either so over opinionated that they know what you should be watching (“I just know you are going to love Love and Other Drugs!”) or just a total sociopath who will have no problem subjecting you to Thelma and Louise.  In either case odds are you would have a more pleasant evening dropped into the scorpion pit, so just hope she will not want to just pick out the movie (by the way, if your progress in the relationship her hesitance to pick movies without discussion will dry up like paint.  Eventually , you will watch Thelma and Louise).

This, however, does not give you license to subject her to the Wrath of Khan or whatever other sci fi movie you want (Khaaaaaaan image courtesy of the TV show t shirts).  You need to engage in a dialog, and understand that she will be judging you based on how you interact with her in this discussion.  You have to dance along the thin line of not being a dominant jerk or a spineless wimp.

At this point I usually start off by suggesting 3-4 movies that would seem like good compromises.  She will probably shoot the first three down, so keep the one you really want to watch for fourth.  If she shoots down all your initial suggestions at that point ask her for her suggestions.  If she says something like “I really want to see …!” you are pretty much committed to that and need to respond with “I haven’t seen (insert lame movie name here) but it looks interesting.”  However, that would tread down the path of her being the controlling jerk.  The best response is if she comes across with 3-4 suggestions of her own.  Let her reel them off and then pick the one that has the highest chance of not making you pray for death.  Try to not fall into the trap of suggesting other movies as if you drag this out your chances of saying the wrong thing or suggesting something stupid will increase dramatically.

Because I love doing these and feel like they are really funny, I am going to list off a number of movies and/or genres and what I think her opinion will be or what it says about her.

Titanic-this is a Billy Zane chick flick.  If you suggest it you will look like you are pandering to her or possibly in the closet.  If she suggests it she might just be that aforementioned sociopath.  Also, as a rule try to avoid movies with guys that women swoon over.  If she spends two hours watching weedy pretty boy Leonardo di Caprio die to save the girl you will look terrible in comparison, especially if you failed to put yourself between her and the creepy homeless person the other night.

The Empire Strikes Back-or any of the Star Wars franchise.  If you even suggest this flick you will most likely never hear from her again.  If she suggests it try to discretely determine if she was actually born a man, or possibly had a brain transplant of some kind.  If she is in fact female and suggested this film than prepare to either marry her or receive the heartbreak of your life when the perfect woman dumps you.

Generic chick flicks-if you suggest this see the listing for Titanic.  I guarantee she will suggest at least one as a test of your machismo.  Don’t fall into that trap or you will end up with a new friend and no sex.

I gotta run, but I will do more of these tomorrow.  Have a great day.

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