How is an I Am Legend sequel with Will Smith even possible?

So I just read online that Will Smith has agreed to do a sequel to I am Legend, the horrible remake of the really good Omega Man starring Charlton Heston.  Didn’t his character die at the end of I am Legend?  Unless they expect us to believe that he is such a bad ass he was able to fight off about 100 infected humans with a scalpel.  Also, didn’t he blow himself up with a grenade?

The really funny thing is the only thing they took from the book and movie was the title.  The reason it was called I am Legend was the one remaining human survivor wasn’t really a scientist.  He was a guy who would go out every day and kill the infected humans as they slept.  What he didn’t realize was that over time they were regaining control of their higher brain functions and were reforming society, just a sort of vampire/zombie can’t stand the light sort of way, and he was becoming a legend as a supernatural mass murderer.  Very cleverly done in my opinion.  This movie was total crap and the fact that it made serious money means the movie going audience is comprise of morons.

Dave doesn’t have any I Am Legend merchandise so I lifted this image from his zombie t shirts.  He says I should put in an image for each post.  It’s not really an infected human like in I am Legend.  More of a classic zombie.  You get the idea.


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