How I Met Your Mother is turning out to be a great show

Last week at the recommendation of my best friend Dave I started watching How I Met Your Mother.  I had avoided it prior to that for a number of reasons.  First of all the title alone makes it sound like the brainless “family friendly” pap that gave us shows like Full House.  The base concept-a guy telling his kids about meeting their mother-sounds annoying to say the least.  Furthermore, I figured I had had my fill of young singles living and loving in New York after years of watching Friends, a show that alternated between brilliant and painfully annoying.

However, Dave has yet to steer me wrong so I started watching it.  The first few episodes started off slow but after a while I realized that the show is awesome for exactly one reason: Barney.  You see, Neil Patrick Harris plays a character named Barney who is a self centered, womanizing egomaniac and like most sociopaths you don’t have to deal with in your life is endlessly entertaining.  He is very well written and of course Neil plays him brilliantly.  I think he is great.

The rest of the cast is a lot more bland, although that just might be in comparison.  The main guy I’d like to see get punched in the face more for being kind of a Ross style putz, and his love interest drives me crazy whenever she’s on screen.  Jason Segal found a role that doesn’t suck, and his girlfriend is super cute.

There are good and bad episodes, as with any show, but overall I would say check it out if you haven’t.  This Awesomed shirt from the TV Show T Shirt category makes a lot more sense once you have watched the show a little.

Sorry about the short post, but I have been working my butt off getting our new warehouse set up.  Movie tonight, review tomorrow.  Talk to you soon.




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