By / 26th September, 2012 / star trek t shirts, T-Shirts / 1 Comment

Some thoughts on Star Trek TOS women.

With a bonus note on grammar.

So as I mentioned recently I am watching all the Star Trek TOS episodes while working on my new Warhammer army and am enjoying the hell out of it.  Not only am I seeing all my old favorites, but I am also getting to catch up on a few that I only saw maybe once or twice, and even a couple that to my deep shame I have never seen (having only watched them in syndication there were a few that really never go aired much).  I am rethinking some of the relative positions for my best and worst episodes (not a lot of shift, but some) but the one thought that is hitting my brain stem more than any other is the Star Trek producers hired only the most gorgeous women in the known universe.

I’m not kidding.  It really struck home last night when I was watching Requiem for Methuselah (image courtesy of the Star Trek T Shirt category)and realized that the girl playing Reyna (Louise Sorel) was about 50 times hotter than any women ever seen on any TNG episode, and comparable to Seven of Nine from Voyager (Jeri Ryan).  However, she is not alone.  Pretty much every episode has a girl so hot it makes your skull hurt.  I don’t want to name any here because I think once I am done I will do a list of the 20 hottest girls from the series as a separate blog post (nothing creepy about that).  Some of the episodes focused almost exclusively on how hot they were (Mudd’s Women, for example).

This begats the question why can’t modern shows do the same thing?  There are some obvious answers.  If a show clearly exploited women like TOS did than it would probably be protested by every feminist organization on the planet and then carpet bombed.  TNG not only swallowed the PC pill but let it brew into an even more potent mixture in its stomach before spewing it out over every other Star Trek series.  However, let’s consider shows outside of the Trek universe.

The modern show that pops into mind for hot eye candy is How I Met Your Mother.  Every week Barney hooks up with 2-6 hot girls.  If we flash back a bit Married With Children did the same by finding an excuse to have a hot chick walk into Al’s shoe shop or something.  However, I would like to point out that while Star Trek clearly was bringing in women to hang on Kirks arm and fall in love with him, in every case they got more than a few lines and were never just bit characters.  In most episodes they were critical to the story and not just there to make Kirk look good.

That’s not really the mystery here.  The mystery is why is it all the women on Star Trek are way hotter than all the women on How I Met Your Mother (even Robin.  Sorry, Cobie Smulders.  I still love you).  Honestly, I think it’s the presentation.  The women on Star Trek (and 60’s TV in general) were presented as sophisticated, elegant goddesses whereas modern women have taken to letting casual be the rule of the day.  I’m not saying women don’t spend a lot of time on their looks because they absolutely do.  I’m just saying that all the women today want to look naturally hot, which mentally translates into looking like you put no effort in.  The average hairdo on a Star Trek babe looks like it took two hours and a vat of hair cream to accomplish, whereas today those same two hours is spent looking like you didn’t have to do anything at all.  Furthermore, you never see a Star Trek women wearing jeans.  The dress a Star Trek girl wears is one that a modern woman would bitch about having to put on for a formal ball.  They just look more put together.

A side effect of looking like you took a lot of time putting your coif and outfit together is you end up looking more like a lady.  Not to imply anything, but the women of Star Trek just look a lot more wholesome than the women of the modern TV age.  Somehow Elaan (France Nuyen) from Elaan of Troyios looks more ladylike in a metal bikini armed with a dagger than all the women of Sex and the City put together.  This might be the most sexist thing I have ever said, but what passes for ladylike dress and behavior in the modern world just isn’t as attractive as what you used to see in the time of Americana.

Congratulations Dave.  You have successfully given every woman you meet another reason to reject and despise you.  However, given my typical luck with the ladies I don’t really think I could do much more damage.  At least if I get rejected by a girl and she says it’s because of this blog post I will have a definitive reason, rather than the horrible vague B-S I get on a regular basis.  Besides, don’t all women say they want honesty in a man?

Before I get going I want to mention something about grammar.  I have been called to account a few times for being a grammar moron.  I typically can write well but seem to screw up on things like “then” or “than”, as well possessive s’s (is it Boy’s t shirts or Boys t shirts???).  I do proofread these before posting them but seem to have a blind eye for certain spelling and grammar mistakes.  I go back and read old blog posts of mine (yes, my ego is that big.  Besides, why would you not read something this brilliant?) and catch things that seem super obvious but at the time I missed twice.  I don’t quite get it.  If you should spot an error feel free to point it out and I will fix it.  Just try to understand that I’m not a total moron and usually I just miss things that on a different day would stick out like a sore thumb.  If you are interested in catching me (or just improving your own grammar) I found a pretty handy and succinct resource in this article on correct grammar usage in the modern age.  I like it because it is simple and has some cartoons.

Thanks for reading.  Feel free to disagree all you want here or hate spam me on Twitter @Nerdkungfu (follow me first, please).  Any off topic questions or suggestions email me at [email protected].  My friend Brian is going to show us Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park at movie night.  I don’t think I will be doing a formal review but already have a few ideas on blogs I could do about it.  I’m headed to the Sacramento Horror Convention this weekend but if I get a chance will try to see a movie and write it up.  If you live in Sac stop by and say hi.  Talk to you soon.


1 Comment

  • Bret November 5, 2012 at 9:35 pm

    Great post, Dave. My wife and I just recently had a nearly identical conversation. My point to her is that most women today (below the age of 30) spend a great deal of time trying to look like…sluts. Why? My theory is that the young women of today have virtually no self-respect and therefore make poor decisions about their appearance. The women of TOS, for the most part, had plenty of self-respect, usually showed character and strength, and were hot because of those qualities (and the fact that most of their epidermis was exposed, their clothing formed a second skin, or (hopefully) both). It’s funny, I have been watching the Star Trek series episodes in chronological order, beginning with Star Trek Enterprise and I just so happened to watch Requiem for Methuselah today. It’s hard to believe that Louise Sorel is now 72 years old.

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