By / 24th August, 2010 / T-Shirts, Television T Shirts / No Comments

Nerd Dating: Dating etiquette part 3

We talked about the guidelines for picking up your date at her place.  Let’s assume you were not able to put her at ease (or just plain kind of creeped her out.  This does not imply that you are creepy, as some women can be creeped out by a bird flying overhead.  Of course, I wouldn’t discount the possibility that you are creepy and if so, work on it) and she doesn’t want you at her place and wants to meet you somewhere public.

Odds are you are catching some shrapnel from some other guy being weird, so don’t be surprised if she is by nature a little skittish.  Try to pick a place with a good amount of people, booze, and a place to sit down. If possible not too noisy, but starting a date off in a crowd of people get a good energy level going.

(t shirt courtesy of the television t shirt category)

Anyway, 5-10 minutes early.  Get a drink and sit at a table (not the bar.  Drunks hang out at the bar).  Keep an eye on the door.  Expect her to be 10-15 minutes late.  In this circumstance it is OK to text or email on  your phone, but put it away as soon as she shows up (look like you are busy).  Smile and wave when she appears.

That’s it for today.  I gotta run.  More tomorrow.

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