Nerd Dating: to see a movie or not Pt 1
I think I am done with dancing for now. Let’s talk about an ongoing debate in the dating world; to go to a movie or not.
99.9999% of women will tell you that a movie on a first date is a bad idea, but I have found there are circumstances where this is not necessarily true. Women like to think that you need to talk all night, but sometimes that can be a bad thing, especially if you think your aspherger-like compulsion to say weird crap will screw you up.
I’ll boil it down. Not seeing a movie gives you a lot of time to talk and connect. If you only have a couple hours to see your date then by all means do not fill up your time with this. However, if it looks like you will be with her for five or more hours then I think it’s a great idea, and here is why.
First of all, it gives you two hours of company wherein you don’t have to struggle to find something to talk about. Furthermore, the movie will be a great topic of discussion both before and afterwards. Make sure you know something about the script, writer, director, actors, or premise behind the film to give you something to bring up. Also, there can be a lot of time spent together on line or in the theater waiting for the movie to start.
Secondly, the dim lighting in the theater is very complimentary. If you are reading this blog because you have trouble dating than good lighting is probably not your friend. Also, you are forced to sit in close proximity (more on this later), which is an intimate setting and will help her gain comfort with you.
Finally, if the movie is really good or, better yet, really funny, than the good feelings she will have while watching it or laughing will be associated with you on some level. Make sure you pick out a movie that is good and/or funny (Hangover t shirt image courtesy of of the movie t shirt category).
That being said, if you aren’t sure you can spend more than a few hours with her, save this for a second or third date. It’s perfect for that.
More on this later, including what movie to actually see.
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