15 “Flawless” Science Fiction Movies #Sciencefiction
So a few days ago I did my review for Edge of Tomorrow and lamented the fact that an otherwise great movie was ruined by a dopey ending and it got me thinking: “What is a flawless sci fi movie and how many are there?” Now, by flawless I don’t mean the highest grossing or even the best or most entertaining. Often times the best movies are chalk full of flaws. Rather I mean what are some great sci fi movies where I cannot actually find a single flaw?
Now of course these films are highly subjective and definitely stem from my own sense of good or bad in science fiction but it’s my blog. I am going to restrict myself to hard science fiction and keep away from horror and fantasy (so no Lord of the Rings), even when they have some sci fi elements. This list is also going to differ from a list of flawless non-sci fi movies in that things like character (while important and highly appreciated by jaded reviewers such as myself) have less bearing than than concept and story. This list is not presented in any particular order and if you have one that you feel I missed feel free to post in the comments and I will agree or disagree with you.
- The Matrix. Phenomenal story and awesome basic concept, this film really set the bar for virtual reality and the dangers of AI. It danced on the end of a flaw when it had Trinity wake Neo up with a kiss but I have always chosen to see that as a random coincidence and this awakening a sign of his manifesting powers as “the One”.
- Blade Runner the Directors Cut. Once you get rid of the namby pamby happy ending and dopey voice over the studio forced Ridley Scott to include you are left with a hard core dystopian sci fi noir film that in every way helps set the standard for what science fiction can strive for. All that plus some of the most appealing characters in all of movie history, not just sci fi. It explores what it means to be human, dehumanization, the dangers of capitalism, father/son relationships as the creator, self awareness, and even the meaning of existance. Plus it has Harrison Ford running around with a bad ass gun (the LAPD 2019 Blaster).
- Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back. Any true fan of Star Wars will tell you that this is the best of the three good ones. It has the best story, character development, pathos, some excellent Jedi training sequences (with not a single midichlorian count to be seen), tragedy, love, betrayal, and the good guys getting their asses handed to them. Episode IV is decent as well but nothing beats ESB.
- Dark City. This is one that might not have the recognition it deserves but if you haven’t seen it recently (or never saw it) go back and check it out again. Some of the best films are ones that appear to have flaws in them that are later explained in a logical manner (John Murdoch’s ability to “tune” was the net result of Dr. Schreber experimenting with his personalities in hopes of giving a human the ability to fight against the Strangers). This film brilliantly explored the nature of human personality as it relates to memories and conscious experience. Also the Strangers are one of the least acknowledged super creepy villains of all sci fi history. Just the way they flew around was massively creepy.
Aliens. I was torn between this one and Alien but honestly Alien is more a horror film in space. Aliens is as hard core sci fi as you can get and honestly I have never been able to find a fault with the story, character, motivations, or aliens. Even Newt was just in the film enough to humanize the cast without overwhelming the screen with kids like in a lot of other films. That plus the fact that the guns are cool and the Marines awesome up until the the moment the meet their first alien. Plus best sci fi line ever: “Game over, man! Game over!” (Weyland-Yutani logo courtesy of the sci fi t shirt category)
- Terminator/Terminator 2. I really can’t decide which of these two films most deserves to be on this list so I will cheat and put them both here. Time travel is hard to do anything with in a film unless it is treated right, and this film treated it right by simply ignoring it once the premise was set. Sure, the paradoxes are present but time travel films need to be judged by how much they are able to distract you from them and this film did it brilliantly. Normally either the first film is great and the sequel sucks but these two did the impossible and are both equally flawless. They are different films however and as such need to be acknowledged as independently brilliant.
- Forbidden Planet. This is not just because I am a Robbie the Robot fan (although really, I am) but rather because it is a nigh flawless story that explores the depths of the human psyche and the net results of what total power can do to someone, even if their intentions are good. This is a film easy to discount due to the bad 1956 effects but like a great episode of the Twilight Zone you have to look at the story rather than the blinky lights.
- Star Trek the Wrath of Khan. Yes, yes. Cows moo, chickens cluck, and Dave has an orgasm while talking about TWOK but you cannot deny that this film was all kill no fill. Even if you took my Star Trek fandom out of it this would be an exceptional story, awesome concept, and very appealing characters. I defy anyone to find a flaw in this film.
- Brazil. I was bummed that I wasn’t going to put any Monty Python into this film but then I remembered this Terry Gilliam gem. Another near future film that explores the nature of totalitarian control while delving into surrealist fantasy, this film will not make you happy but it will make you think. As an aside, when they first showed this film on television the edited out all the fantasy sequences. Anyone who has seen it will understand what a betrayal of the original intent that was. However we all know that the masses of the American public needs to by mollycoddled and protected from bad experiences in case someone has a bummer day.
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Another film that really set the bar, and actually not bad in the remake either. This film can be seen as a reflection of the political climate of the time, but really it’s all about identity and betrayal. Plus it’s great when movies are allowed to have tragic endings.
- The Road Warrior. Post apocalypse is fertile ground for sci fi and this film pretty much nails it all. Savage bands struggle in the wasteland for dwindling resources and a loner recovering from personal tragedy shows up to bring the pain. My best friend argued that it should be Mad Max rather than this film here but honestly that one was never sci fi enough for me. This film has all that plus mohawks.
- Planet of the Apes. This is a film that explores time travel as it really should be: going forward with the help of hibernation. Also turning the tables on the white man and making him the oppressed minority was pretty gutsy for 1968. The twist at the end was cool too.
- Escape from New York. Kurt Russell at his best (well, maybe Overboard). In addition to a great character in Snake Plisskin the story was fun and there is not much cooler than seeing New York City as a wasteland.
- Westworld. Psychotic robot cowboy chases Richard Benjamin across a futuristic adult theme park? Tell me that sentence isn’t awesome. Note-I just learned that a remake is in production as an HBO pilot directed by the bane of all good science fiction JJ Abrams. I predict nothing he ever does will end up on my flawless list. I don’t care if he did Cloverfield he can rot in Hell. As far as JJ Abrams Westworld goes how much lens flare do you think you can stuff into a movie set in an Old West town?
- District 9. Any film that can make you emphasis with an eight foot tall walking potato bug that doesn’t speak is amazing. Again, in terms of a flawless story with extremely good science fiction it doesn’t get any better. This film, like a good zombie film, really shows how it is human nature, not the external threat, that is the problem.
So that’s my 15 flawless sci fi list. By no means comprehensive nor even the best 15. If you feel like pointing out a few please do so. I would enjoy debating the relative merits of good science fiction. Doing this has inspired me to work on another list soon so if I don’t see anything tonight I might write it up tomorrow. Follow me on Twitter @Nerdkungfu. Thanks and talk to you soon.
the Infamous Dave Inman
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