Nerd Dating: Dirty Dating Tricks Part 3: Body Language Mirroring
This whole concept will sound pretty dumb, but I swear it works. The fact is, when two people have a connection and are having a great conversation, they tend to do the same thing at the same time. They lean forward at the same time, they drink from their glass at the same time, and so on.
(Mirrormask t shirt courtesy of the movie t shirt category)
This is kind of a natural phenomenon. However, you can increase your connection to your date by actively trying to mimic her actions. If she leans forward, you lean forward. If she drinks from her glass, you drink from your glass. If she scratches her nose, you scratch your own (<—IMPORTANT!) nose. The weird part is, in all the years I have been trying to do this, no one has ever noticed.
Now, don’t take this to the point of being ridiculous. If she reaches into her purse or adjusts her bra odds are you should pretty much do nothing. However, sitting in the same pose can do a lot for you. Just avoid looking completely different. If she is posed in her seat there is no excuse for slouching down, crossing your arms, or stretching back. However, you will find that if you mimic her for a while she will start doing what you do unconsciously. Try it by scratching your forehead or something innocuous.
By the way, while this technique is mostly harmless and pretty natural, it is one that you can never, ever tell her you actively used. If you end up marrying her, have a wonderful 50 year marriage, and then confess you did this on your deathbed she will still be incredibly pissed off. Treat this one like you just silently farted on a crowded elevator; no one will know it was you, and you will only embarrass and inconvenience yourself by admitting it. Take this one to your grave.
That’s pretty much it. Simple and effective. Try it next date.