Expendables now to be Rated R
It looks like Sly Stallone and the rest of the producers for the Expendables 2 are caving into fan pressure and making the movie rated R. I am actually cool with that, as I am personally responsible for some of that outraged fan pressure. I posted twice on this blog bitching about it and am glad to see that sometimes spinelessness works for the little guy.
Now if only we could get George Lucas to actually listen to his fans and ex fans and maybe make a movie that doesn’t suck. Actually I would be cool if he just undid all the horrible stuff he did to the original trilogy like making Greedo shoot first. You know, George, listening to what the people who put money in your pocket want really isn’t a bad thing to do.
This Lego Star Wars shirt image I found in Dave’s Star Wars tshirts. I played the game and it is weirdly fun.
The other thing I want Lucas to not do is not make a Star Wars TV show like he plans to and not have it involve time travel so he can use every era he created. These things always suck. Talk about beating a dead horse.