Watching the 100 while I’m working. Not bad but not great.
So I am working my cute little butt off and have been looking for something to watch while doing so. I just finished S3 or Lillihammer and am now going through the 100. There are a few thoughts I have had on it so far and would like to share.
While it’s not horrible it does have a lot of problems shared by Hollywoods dive into young adults. First and foremost the idea that everyone in the future is both young and good looking. Every show since Heroes has done it (except, ironically, for Hiro. Image courtesy if the Heroes t shirt collection). I know they wrote in a premise of why all the 100 had to be kids under the age of 18 but where are the nearsighted dorks or the kid with the near terminal case of acne? In 100 kids there is going to be one or two that have an odd nose or lopsided jaw. Also if the space station has limited resources how is it these kids all have perfect teeth? I doubt orthodontia would get much priority.
Then there are the usual dystopian stereotypes that Hollywood ascribes to. Somehow no one can let go of the idea that if there were a nuclear war the survivors would descend into primitive savages in about a week. It’s only 97 years in the future and everyone has forgotten how to use guns and radios and instead look like Native Americans with armor made out of old tires. I hate to ruin someone’s thought process but reloading used bullet casings is not rocket science. I’m not saying it’s a bad stereotype (hey, I played a lot of Gamma World back in 7th grade) but it’s just so lacking in imagination. Kind of lazy really.
Anyway, I’m enjoying the show. It is definitely ticking off the sci fi stereotype one at a time (my prediction is sometime in the next few episodes I see the giant mutated bear creature and the human with ESP and/or three of something we normally have two of (in Total Recall it was breasts. Best mutant ever!)) but there is a reason those stereotypes became so rote. I only have a few more in this season so maybe I’ll do a post show wrap up. Back to work!
the Infamous Dave Inman
15 Fictional Characters I wish were real life friends of mine: 2 of 15
14. Inigo Montoya from the Princess Bride
The man is an expert swordsman and knows how to get lit and party. Wesley nailed it when he said “I think you would make an excellent Dread Pirate Roberts.” That would be a fun boat to sail on. Plus I could totally see him drawing in the hot chicks with his Spanish accent, tight pants, swashbuckling fencing skills, and smooth charm only to pass out drunk in a pool of his own vomit, leaving the girls in need of a comforting shoulder to cry on and a ride home and guess who pops up then? In the parlance of the sleazy chick picking up world Inigo would not even be a wingman. He would be what we call a bird dog. Think about it.
Why would Inigo want to be my friend? Well, I’m actually really good at making sure my drunk friends make it home safety and that they pass out on their stomach so they don’t choke to death when they puke. I would totally be a designated driver for Inigo (you know,designated drivers the life saving dorks although I like to think of myself as a hero from not getting blasted and driving safely. Heroes image courtesy of the Heroes t shirt category). Plus while I am not Andre the Giant sized I am big and can pick up a beer keg with one arm if need be. I could totally do booze runs for Inigo.