Kick Ass 2 is looking kind of Kick Ass
So I was reading a little about the new Kick Ass sequel this morning and actually did something I hate doing, which is research. It seems that at first the original director, Matthew Vaughn, was not going to do it which is always the first recipe for suck. However, it looks now like he is going to step in as a producer. I don’t really know what the difference is between those two jobs or how much more influence the producer could have, but this is promising. Dave is the one who pays more attention to these sorts of things, but I always thought the director did 90% of the work and the producer made sure the staff had enough coffee and donuts on hand. However, if he is involved in any way that lends promise to the sequel.
By the way, I found out Dave does not have any Kick Ass t-shirts on his site, but I did find this pretty kick ass Bruce Lee shirt in his movie t shirts. Seemed appropriate, given how much ass Bruce kicked in his life.
Anyway, unlike most of the posts I do about sequels where I think they are a dumb waste of time, I am looking forward to this. Normally 11 year old girls beating the hell out of adults bugs me, but this one made it work, and Chloe Moretz has said she is going to do it, so that is very cool.