Torchiere Torture and Special movie
So I love Torchiere lamps. You know, the ones that stand up and shoot their light at the ceiling. The light reflected off the ceiling is really nice and cuts down on shadows. My problem is I keep breaking them. I must go through two a year at least. I don’t know if they are particularly fragile (frag-ile’! It must be French!), if I treat them badly, or if I generate some kind of anti-torchiere lamp field, but they have a bad lifespan in my possession. Obviously I broke another one last night. Don’t know what I did. It just stopped working. I traded out the bulb and that didn’t make a difference. I grabbed the one I have in my bedroom, so now I am stumbling around in the dark in my bedroom. Also, it is softer than I like, so my office is now really dim.
I have a friend who uses the ones that you just have to touch to turn off and on. Those kind of creep me out, as I have to imagine you are getting some kind of electric charge when you do that. Given my luck with these demonic lamps it would not take a lot for that charge to develop into a fatal shock (the freak accident that gives the recipient the power to shoot lighting out of their hands never seems to happen to me, damn the luck) so I will stick with my standard, crappy lamps.
Speaking of getting super powers, a friend of mine sent me a copy of the movie Special and I watched it last night. It’s about a guy (comic book fan) who gets on a test program for a new drug that causes him to imagine he has developed super powers. There is a great scene where he is trying to convince his friends (who own a comic book shop) that he has powers by running through a wall. In reality he hits the wall and bounces off, but is so delusional that he is convinced he actually did it. I can’t decide if I liked it or hated it. It felt a little like a nerdier version of Fight Club. I wish it had been more popular (so good it went straight to DvD) because the Special t shirt the guy is given would fit in perfectly in my fantasy logo or movie t shirts section.
Anyway, thanks to Dave for the movie. He gave me a music CD I am going to listen to today. I’ll talk about it on my next blog.