Wanted 2 looks like it is going ahead
I read online today that Angelina Jolie has passed on doing the sequel to Wanted 2. Good move in my opinion. I mean, her character died at the end of the last one. Were they going to add in some kind of resurrection or twin or something? What is this, Marvel? The Hulk shirt comes from Dave’s Marvel comic t shirts. I couldn’t find any of the guys who died and resurrected, but you get the idea.
I remember seeing this movie and liking it. Dave was saying that while bendy bullets are theoretically possible they got the physics wrong, at least for the last one. However, I don’t remember this movie doing amazingly well but somehow it took in over $341 million. How is that possible? I guess overseas sales. Angelina is pretty popular around the world. How is this movie going to do without her? Dave liked it too, but he has been doing nothing but groaning about bad sequels this year.
I’m glad they are making this movie. I will probably see it and enjoy it, although I will leave the review to Dave. He loves writing. I get bored after 10 minutes, which is why I do the short blogs. I’d probably just say it was good and walk away.