I’m back and survived Wonder Con
So it has been a week and a half since my last post and I apologize. Honestly, I have had too much going on in my life. The last part of last month was all about getting ready for Wonder Con. Then three days of Wonder Con, which more or less left me a zombie after each day of the show. Then I took the opportunity to move to a bigger apartment and am still in the midst of trying to get unpacked (I have a lovely new living room and dinning area. Problem is I cant actually get to either of them as they are full up with boxes, bookcases, and a suspiciously unused exercise bike). Also I got sick for a couple days.
Anyway, needless to say, my life has been pretty exhausting lately and I haven’t had the time or energy for anything more than work or sleep. However, as I get my life and business back under control I should be able to keep things moving on the blogging front, at least until the next major event convergence.
Let me say first of all, Wonder Con was busier and more fun than last year. My best friend drove up from LA with his two boys and it was great to see him. I had good people helping me in the booth and sold a ton of shirt. Best of all, the shirt that outsold all the rest was my own design, this lovely zombie target practice shirt from the zombie movie t shirt category. Make me very happy and proud.
Second of all, it was a ton of fun. Lots of cool people, some really amazing costumes (as well as some amazingly bad ones), celebrities, panels, debuts, and all the stuff a good convention could have. Or so I hear second hand, as I didn’t have five minutes away from the booth, as two of the girls I hired got sick (and then got me sick, I found) and couldn’t work on Saturday. Fortunately I had a good friend in the city willing to work for t-shirts, so I was able to cover it. Still we could have used the help.
Anyway, I am falling asleep even as I type this. I am not event going to proofread this post, so enjoy the typos. I’ll get back into blogging full time starting tomorrow. For now, good night.
First day of WonderCon done
and it was great. I had no idea we would be so busy. My feet are killing me, but we sold a lot of shirts. Tomorrow is supposed to be even busier. I need to go in early and unpack the rest of an order that arrived last night. The new baby onsies were a big hit, as was this girls shirt from the zombie t-shirt section.
I am super tired, but I had a lot of fun. Lots if interesting people to talk to, and I saw some amazing guys in great costumes. A bunch of people in great steam punk outfits, a really hot chick dressed as Princess Leia (white gown, not metal bikini, but slit way up high), two guys in great BSG uniforms, two guys in great Starship Trooper uniforms, and someone is a weird furry animal costume of some kind. Not sure what that was about, but I have my suspicions.
Anyway, I am beat and need to get some sleep. I am sure I will see even more tomorrow.
Gearing up for WonderCon
Set up for WonderCon starts tomorrow, and if there’s one thing I have learned after many, many shows it’s that the early bird gets the worm/power outlet/hand truck/better space/free donut. Therefore I am dedicating tonight (after a quick Warhammer game) to packing up my t shirts and loading up the car. Most likely we are talking about a couple trips, but it should go pretty smoothly. The worst part is tying my gridwall to the roof of my car. I always feel incredibly white trash doing that.
I have a feeling that zombie t-shirts are going to be a big hit at this show, and have stocked up accordingly. Also I am doing that Zombie Prom Saturday night and want to make sure I have plenty of zombie shirts for that. Not sure how that is going to go, but could be fun.
If any of you are going to WonderCon please stop by and say hi. Also, if any of you watched V let me know how it was. I was going to go to a friends house to watch it but that fell apart. Talk to you soon.
GPS sucks
So I was trying to go see my friend take his black belt test today and dared to assume my GPS would get me there without getting lost. Somehow it is working less and less well, and any intersection that is not a 90 degree angle crossover makes it think I have crossed over into an alternate universe and have to take the scenic tour through hell to return to my home dimension. Somehow I ended up in Dogpatch, for god’s sake.
Anyway, enough ranting. If we had a little magic in our technology (steampunk) then I probably would have not gotten lost, as in this great controller from the videe game t shirt section.
I have totally blown off working this weekend and not gotten much work done. I know this is what weekends are supposed to be for, but I feel the need to put in more hours. I think if I get my laundry done I will put in a few hours tonight. I have some Godzilla and Alien t shirts that need some love tonight.
Anyway, getting everything ready for WonderCon. It should be great. If you are going to be there be sure to stop by and say hi to Winter and me.